Brady DuPuis
Senior Vice President, Trade Management
Brady J. Dupuis has been with PHOENIX since 2006 and leads the Transaction Management Division. He oversees a team of analysts and senior-level managers who provide MSR pricing, analytics, and operational support to clients throughout the various stages of the flow and bulk transaction process.
Brady has been involved in the oversight and negotiation of over 50 flow relationships and 100 bulk transactions, collaborating with some of the industry’s largest buyers and sellers. He began as an analyst with Phoenix Analytic Services, Inc., focusing on mark-to-market valuations, modeling servicing release premium schedules, and conducting various detailed analyses of flow and bulk servicing transactions for both buyers and sellers of MSRs. His in-depth experience and understanding of the MSR asset enrich the transaction management process.
Brady holds an MBA from the University of Colorado – Denver and an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Fort Lewis College.